Protect and enhance the appearance of your property


Lime render, a plaster composed of lime, is commonly utilized for external wall applications. This conventional building material was primarily employed to safeguard walls constructed of porous bricks or rubble stones.

W&H Group has over 20 years of experience in lime rendering providing exceptional value and quality that goes beyond the norm.


The Advantages of Lime Rendering

A lime render is ideal for any wall that is exposed to strong winds. The lime render absorbs moisture and then allows it to evaporate instead of seeping into the wall.

Lime mortar consists of hydrated lime, sand, and water. When applied, it stiffens overnight and gradually achieves maximum strength over time.

Unlike cement and gypsum plasters, lime renders provide better protection by being vapour permeable, which prevent underlying surfaces from damage. In contrast, cement traps water and will start to crack and chip in wet, humid conditions.

Lime renders have a low carbon footprint – the lime manufacturing process produces less carbon dioxide, furthermore, the lime even absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Lime renders offer better workability, enabling a higher standard of workmanship. Additionally, they can be textured and finished in a wide range of styles, and then be painted over easily.

While a cement render is cheaper than a lime render, the latter is of a higher value with its long-lasting protection and sustainability benefits.

Why choose W&H Group for lime rendering

The art of plastering with lime is slowly fading away as drywall and gypsum veneer plaster take over. But the truth is, nothing beats the quality of a lime render. The secret lies in the application method and the substrate quality.

Unfortunately, shortcuts and improper techniques during application can lead to disastrous results like excessive shrinkage, weak bonding, and reduced durability. That’s why it’s crucial to rely on trained professionals who know the ins and outs of lime plastering.

Think of it like baking a cake. If you rush through the recipe, you’ll end up with a lumpy, undercooked mess. But if you take your time and follow the instructions with care, you’ll end up with a delicious masterpiece.

The same goes for lime plastering. It’s a delicate process that requires patience and expertise. But the end result is worth it – a beautiful finish that stands the test of time. So, when it comes to plastering, don’t settle for anything less than the best. Trust W&H Group – the professionals who know how to get the job done right.

Choose W&H Group for expert lime rendering services that protect your building